robbers at french till


Apr 4, 2009
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South Yorkshire
Funster No
chic c line
12 years motorhoming, a lifetime of living
A few weeks back I stopped at the motorway aire de service at the bay de Somme, filled up with 87+odd Euros worth, went into pay and gave a rather large looking French chave type assistant 2 X 50 euro notes.
She gave me two +odd Euros change, no receipt and scuttled off the till. A man in uniform took over the till (I assumed he was a manager by his demeanour but I might be wrong). A French person pushed in front of me before I could complain, I go back to till and explained in my not good at French, that I had been given the wrong change, had no receipt, strangely he could not understand me and could not speak any English!!.
So grabbed his pen wrote down "gasoil 87 E - 2X 50e notes" and slammed the few coins back down on the desk and pionted to the till roll, I folded my arms and waited while he pretended to phone somebody. After a pantomime phone call he put the phone down and walked off, I stood firm blocking the till, the much younger assistant at the next till had gone bright red during this time and opened her till and gave me the missing 10 E .

It all seemed a pre planned act to con the silly British who cant count in Euros.

Rant over
i know how u feel on the whole i always found the french to be mostly helpful and honest but have on occasion had very similar experiences so i can understand your annoyance.Glad u stood your ground and got it sorted.

my daughter son in law grandaughter and grandson are at this moment in gravelines waiting for the ferry home tomorrow
but yesterday they took the children to disney, the grand finale to the holiday
i here they had a brilliant day, my grandaughter who is 5 thought it was the best day of her life untill some lowlife stole her Hello Kitty bag which she loved and in it her autugraph book of all her favourit characters that she spent half the day getting it was reported but nothing was handed in .
A 5 year olds day ended in tears and upset ,what good was this item to anybody else .

Go,s to show what some peaple will stoop to and for what, a 5 year olds
bag and some autographs that were only precious to her.:cry:
i know how u feel on the whole i always found the french to be mostly helpful and honest but have on occasion had very similar experiences so i can understand your annoyance.Glad u stood your ground and got it sorted.

my daughter son in law grandaughter and grandson are at this moment in gravelines waiting for the ferry home tomorrow
but yesterday they took the children to disney, the grand finale to the holiday
i here they had a brilliant day, my grandaughter who is 5 thought it was the best day of her life untill some lowlife stole her Hello Kitty bag which she loved and in it her autugraph book of all her favourit characters that she spent half the day getting it was reported but nothing was handed in .
A 5 year olds day ended in tears and upset ,what good was this item to anybody else .

Go,s to show what some peaple will stoop to and for what, a 5 year olds
bag and some autographs that were only precious to her.:cry:

On the whole I allways had good service in france, even in the veg markets this year, the sellers insisted on giving me a reciept with the kilo price on, but theres allways a bad apple (no pun inteeded)

sorry about your grandaughters bag....
A few weeks back I stopped at the motorway aire de service at the bay de Somme, filled up with 87+odd Euros worth, went into pay and gave a rather large looking French chave type assistant 2 X 50 euro notes.
She gave me two +odd Euros change, no receipt and scuttled off the till. A man in uniform took over the till (I assumed he was a manager by his demeanour but I might be wrong). A French person pushed in front of me before I could complain, I go back to till and explained in my not good at French, that I had been given the wrong change, had no receipt, strangely he could not understand me and could not speak any English!!.
So grabbed his pen wrote down "gasoil 87 E - 2X 50e notes" and slammed the few coins back down on the desk and pionted to the till roll, I folded my arms and waited while he pretended to phone somebody. After a pantomime phone call he put the phone down and walked off, I stood firm blocking the till, the much younger assistant at the next till had gone bright red during this time and opened her till and gave me the missing 10 E .

It all seemed a pre planned act to con the silly British who cant count in Euros.

Rant over

Typical FROGS Rude and bloody bad mannered. Only time i let on to a frog is when i wave at a passing motorhome before i realise its a FROG:Angry:
ps dont know how the better half talked me into going to Carcassone in 3 weeks time, must have been asleep and mumbled yes !!!!!!!!!

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I'll put my hand down your throat and tear your heart out !!

Typical FROGS Rude and bloody bad mannered. Only time i let on to a frog is when i wave at a passing motorhome before i realise its a FROG:Angry:

I sincerely hope that that was a tongue in cheek remark !!
If not then don't even think about using Frankies house as a stopping off point ! She is here with me now and not at all amused by your ignorant, rude and flippant remark !
If you don't apologize , and soon, you will lose a lot of friends on this site !!
Moi being the first !!!:Angry: :Angry: :Angry:
the better half talked me into going to Carcassone in 3 weeks time, must have been asleep and mumbled yes !!!!!!!!!

Provided the sun is shining you can't help but leave with a big smile on your face. I remember to this day, sitting in a pavement cafe in the middle eating a croque monsieur and it still brings a smile to my face. But a few years later we took some of the tribe, it was dull and the grey walls made it duller. Shame.

Same applies to Biarritz while you are in the area, spend a few days there, a Victorian resort that still has all it's grandeur.

If you were attempting Hilldweller humour, I'm sure you were, you blew it with the :Angry: which makes people think you were really attacking the French.
Typical FROGS Rude and bloody bad mannered. Only time i let on to a frog is when i wave at a passing motorhome before i realise its a FROG:Angry:
ps dont know how the better half talked me into going to Carcassone in 3 weeks time, must have been asleep and mumbled yes !!!!!!!!!

Well well:Eeek:...... now , your name is not Hilldweller ..... so it is not something i can laugh about .... Come on ..... what would you think if i was saying about English people they are all like you? taking one frog as representative of a whole country is a bit ..... abusing hey ????Now let me show you the way.... I like all English except may be a few very narrow minded ones such as yourselves... but i won t say more... i don t like this kind of topical post

Hope you'll have a nice time in France anyway:Wink::Smile:


most of the french people (frogs) are ok aslong as they stay in france those i have met on the rode are arogant self centred and rude . ask morocan people what they think of the frogs and you would be shocked.:Angry::Angry::Angry:
mmmm I think the same can be said of Brits as well, especially some that live in europe , arogant attitude comes to mind especially in any ex-pat comunity (little britain) be they in spain or france.
I have to say that in both countries it is only the people that live in the major city of that country seem to have little time for others while in the rest of spain and france local people are far nicer, even more so if you try to speak their language.
and i have to say that in
Yodeli we have one of the nicest most helpful of funsters and yes she is french.
One of the worst hotels I have stayed in was in Spain and was filled with Brits and no other nationality. The rude and ignorant guests made me ashamed.
One of the best stopovers I had was in a hotel in S.Malo where no-one spoke English but we all got on marvelously non the less.

Viva le difference!!!
We found the French to be helpful and polite both on the road and off it and very tolerant of this Brit who cannot speak French to my shame.
Also as you have evidenced there are plenty of pig ignorant Brits. !!! :Angry:
most of the french people (frogs) are ok aslong as they stay in france those i have met on the rode are arogant self centred and rude . ask morocan people what they think of the frogs and you would be shocked.:Angry::Angry::Angry:

How Rude! :thumbdown:
I assume us Brits are never rude or arrogant either?
Are you trying to wind everyone up?
why oh why do the roast beef always put themselves down:Blush::Blush:

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Vive La France....

I have never had a bad experience with the French be it in the north east south or west of France..

On one of my first trips to France the car (Talbot Chrysler .... and yes I know, don't say it) blew a hole out the engine casing, I could look in and see some broken con rods so it was rather terminal. We were heading back North from Paris towards Calais with our then one year old daughter. We knew the car was sick, the oil pressure gauge needle had been so low ages. We had tried to stop but all hotels were full due to a local festival.

We were 5 miles from the next town.

A shiny new Peugeot 505 (yes it was a long time ago) stopped, the driver got out. With my then limited French we communicated, he saw the engine was deceased, however he pushed my car up the long hills his shiny new bumper to my dodgy dirty old bumper, (we had no tow rope). We then freewheeled slowly down the other side till we came to a standstill. He then pulled up and pushed us again up the next hill.

This continued for about 5 miles till we pulled over on a small garage forecourt. He then took me to a local hotel, which fortunately had a room. His wife and kids stayed with my wife and baby in our car whilst we did this.
As we had our travel cot, baby kit etc, we then went back and he again pushed our car with his to the hotel. He had already said to me if the hotel was full, we could stay with him and his family at their house.

I tried to offer payment for his assistance but he refused outright. I managed to get his name and address as he gave me his business card. When we got home we sent a huge bunch of flowers by Interflora as thanks. We still keep in touch 25 years later.

The next morning the hotel owner without any prompting and despite me saying we would get a taxi, drove me the 20 km to pick up our hire car..... That was one of my first encounters with the "Frogs".... It was an indicator for everything to come.....


So to all those who bash the French and are rude about them, I have no idea why you feel that. Even non French speakers who mutter a simple Bonjour or Merci will find a warm friendly response...... but if you start with ill conceived pre-conceptions and behave stand-offish or rudely to them you may not get the best response but that could happen whether you are in France, Colwyn Bay, Dublin or Glasgow.

Vive La France et Vive Les Francais!!!!!!!!:thumb: :france: :thanks2: :loveyou: All......
Lets face it the reputation of Blighty hasnt exactly been helped over the last week.
There are good and bad folk everywhere in the world.....with the good vastly outweighing the bad.

I have met many charming and friendly people in france

You cant tar a whole nation with the same brush.

We travel to France often and find the French great

We travel to France often, I can say if you try to speak a word or two in French they (the French) will always try and help you.

Frankie on this site always goes the extra mile to assist us Brits.. She has always been helpful and I say thank you. I certainly appreciate it. Helped me with :Angry:Vets many a time. Only have to read past posts and see what she has done to help others in need.

I have had a french workman back me up with a trailer from a road that was to narrow ...a long way .. then out in to a major road, holding up traffic and seeing I got on the right road... So I for one give the French a big:thumb: ..

I hope the misconceived views of some will change once they understand it is a very few that can cloud the view.. but is that not true of us Brit's I have been very ashamed at some places with the British larger louts.. what does that say about us. Good and bad everywhere, but not right or fair to paint them all with the same brush.

With an attitude like these two(David&Ann and VoyagerStan)I'm surprised that they ever leave England :RollEyes:
I've spent many years travelling abroad at work and play and can say there is good and bad in every country.
Get over yourselves guys your only British nothing special

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Typical FROGS Rude and bloody bad mannered. Only time i let on to a frog is when i wave at a passing motorhome before i realise its a FROG:Angry:
ps dont know how the better half talked me into going to Carcassone in 3 weeks time, must have been asleep and mumbled yes !!!!!!!!!

most of the french people (frogs) are ok aslong as they stay in france those i have met on the rode are arogant self centred and rude . ask morocan people what they think of the frogs and you would be shocked.:Angry::Angry::Angry:

This is just the kind of post that I find so daunting on this forum, and the replies are the reason I stay on here.

These comments are exactly what I was talking about in the 'racism' thread. Narrow minded rubbish which says more about the posters than it does the people they're talking about.

You are offensive and rude and I hope that one day you hear someone talking about you.
I hope the misconceived views of some will change once they understand it is a very few that can cloud the view.. but is that not true of us Brit's I have been very ashamed at some places with the British larger louts.. what does that say about us. Good and bad everywhere, but not right or fair to paint them all with the same brush.


very true.........I like quite Benidorm out of season for a few days........but would not venture into the "square" area as it s populated with far too many drunk brits of all ages who really make me feel embarrassed.
Ok so we like different entertainment perhaps but the only folk that regularly embarrass me abroad.........are brits . But not all Brits by any means.

(To be honest they are mainly glowing bright pink...bald fat and covered in tatoos and they are often found in large cloned groups.)

Never had any problems with the French, only last February whilst visiting a grave of a relative on the Somme, we sunk into the mud and I mean sunk, frozen layer of top soil gave way and we dropped down about 18 inches :Eeek:

Within 30 mins four locals had stopped and offered help , one drove into the local village and returned with a mate driving a 4x4 who soon pulled us out :france:

Would not accept any thing for his troubles
With an attitude like these two(David&Ann and VoyagerStan)I'm surprised that they ever leave England :RollEyes:
I've spent many years travelling abroad at work and play and can say there is good and bad in every country.
Get over yourselves guys your only British nothing special

Hear hear! :clap::clap:

I'm thankful they're not going to be at Malvern - could ruin the whole event.:thumbdown:
And I hope for their sakes they don't go to Roger's place - I can't imagine any of the Funsters there putting up with that sort of bullshit.

One only has to read some of Frankie's post to realise that she's a Fun treasure.:france: I'm just sorry that the way things have panned out we won't be able to meet up with her at Ilfracombe; sorry Frankie.:cry: And please accept my apologies for the unwarranted churlishness of some of my countrymen.

Hear hear! :clap::clap:

I'm thankful they're not going to be at Malvern - could ruin the whole event.:thumbdown:
And I hope for their sakes they don't go to Roger's place - I can't imagine any of the Funsters there putting up with that sort of bullshit.

One only has to read some of Frankie's post to realise that she's a Fun treasure.:france: I'm just sorry that the way things have panned out we won't be able to meet up with her at Ilfracombe; sorry Frankie.:cry: And please accept my apologies for the unwarranted churlishness of some of my countrymen.


Only if they are allowed to John
I agree with what you say Frankie is highly regarded on hear for her help and guidance in French matters.
We need more like her from all European countries
But I will not apologies for these idiots I think Frankie will understand they don't represent our forum or our country

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MotorhomeFun is training me to be a more tolerant person... :thumb:

In earlier days the two anti-French posts on this thread would have had my blood pressure shooting up...

I would have pounded the key board until I had come up with a reply strong enough to vent my feelings but within the rules of the forum...

Now I immediately think the posters must be trolls... I check the avatar info... then I laugh at their ignorant, stupid posts and know they won't get much satisfaction with their wind ups here as they are so "off piste" they won't stay on the mountain for long... :Wink:

JJ :Cool:
I know what your saying JJ
But look what happened in 1938.....We tolerated "Adolf" and thought he was on the wind up
Look where that left everybody :Doh:
I know what your saying JJ
But look what happened in 1938.....We tolerated "Adolf" and thought he was on the wind up
Look where that left everybody :Doh:

Fair comment Tony and so I will follow these comments thoughtfully and if they give the impression that they are heading towards an attempt at world domination I will tell my people and they will sort it... :Rofl1::Rofl1::Rofl1:

JJ :Cool:
Many thanks !!

Just returned from escorting a frog (Frankie) around Shrewsbury. Just returned and I am overwhelmed by the amount of support for her ! So a BIG thank you to you all.:thumb:
Typical FROGS Rude and bloody bad mannered. Only time i let on to a frog is when i wave at a passing motorhome before i realise its a FROG:Angry:
ps dont know how the better half talked me into going to Carcassone in 3 weeks time, must have been asleep and mumbled yes !!!!!!!!!

most of the french people (frogs) are ok aslong as they stay in france those i have met on the rode are arogant self centred and rude . ask morocan people what they think of the frogs and you would be shocked.:Angry::Angry::Angry:

Been to France once only, this year.
Found nothing but friendly helpful people, so much so we will be going back as soon as possible. Beats the jobsworths and "not my jobs" you get on many sites here.
As far as arrogant, rude, self centred people goes, there are a few on this site. Look in the mirror.
The anti French posters would probably cry "racist" if someone made the same comments about Africans, Indians, etc.
Never met Frankie, but due to the help she has given Funsters in the shit in the past she doesnt deserve these comments.
Add ill mannered to the "self" list of insults.
"Ask a Moroccan" could say "ask a Scot what he thinks of the English". Same scenario.
(Scots folk, that's not a cheap jibe, just an example.)

Now's the time to come on with "All the French except Frankie"

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