Being an over analytical sod, having read most hail threads here and researched to the upmteeth degree; I am wondered if this amount of damage would put you off from buying this van.
The overseas dealer has been very professional with an exemplary feedback record, they will do a full service, belts change and water pump.
As far as I can see these dents look purely cosmetic, but I wondered if this might adversely affect any future trade in years down the line.
Sometimes cant see the woods for the trees
, so looking for some kind funsters to help me out with their views.
Thanks in advance
The overseas dealer has been very professional with an exemplary feedback record, they will do a full service, belts change and water pump.
As far as I can see these dents look purely cosmetic, but I wondered if this might adversely affect any future trade in years down the line.
Sometimes cant see the woods for the trees

Thanks in advance