Do remember that we have an exemption that allows us to rally almost anywhere we wish. So if you know of a nice level field near you, or near an event, why not contact the landowner and see if we can rally there? As long as the rally is 5 days or less there will be no problems or objections The landowner might want paying, and if so, this can be worked out by charging a rally fee to cover the costs. For example if a landowner wanted £100 and we had 10 ralliers for 2 nights, £5 a night would cover it, 20 ralliers, would pay about half that (I think) 
Lots of Funsters pay to go to Show Rallies and do not visit the show. They are content to just be parked in a field and socialise with others. Finding our own fields might suit some better, be much cheaper, a lot more fun and a lot less rules and regulations! Give it some thought, if you want to hold a rally I will ensure you get all the help you need. :thumb:
Points to note.
CHARGING RALLIERS IS TO COVER COSTS ONLY Rallies will be completely non profit making. I do not want members thinking this might be a business opportunity and setting up rallies all over the country to make a tidy profit. If you want a rally on your own land, then get another member to organise it otherwise you'll be deemed a trader. Our insurance covers us only as a rallying club and not as a business making money from rallies.

Lots of Funsters pay to go to Show Rallies and do not visit the show. They are content to just be parked in a field and socialise with others. Finding our own fields might suit some better, be much cheaper, a lot more fun and a lot less rules and regulations! Give it some thought, if you want to hold a rally I will ensure you get all the help you need. :thumb:
Points to note.
CHARGING RALLIERS IS TO COVER COSTS ONLY Rallies will be completely non profit making. I do not want members thinking this might be a business opportunity and setting up rallies all over the country to make a tidy profit. If you want a rally on your own land, then get another member to organise it otherwise you'll be deemed a trader. Our insurance covers us only as a rallying club and not as a business making money from rallies.