This is going to surprise you, so hold onto your hat ..............
People were still able to book up or buy all sorts of things way back when the internet was still no more than a glint in Tim Berners-Lee's eye. They used to do it by telephone (attached by a cable to a wall) or even using a letter with a cheque in it.
Equally people used to find there way to places using something called a map. I know this is hard for you, so I will explain. That is like Google on your screen, but shown on on paper. In the 1980s I used to use one to drag a caravan all the way down to the south of France and find a campsite I had booked by letter. That is after catching the ferry that I booked over the phone.
A very facetious reply! Fact remains that reply is not relevant to this post. (Although watch those who never use the internet come out of the woodwork.... On the internet!) This post is about people who ARE on the internet because they are on this site and reply to this post!!!
So take your childish jibes and actually pay attention!