Week 1 summary

After an uneventful crossing Hull-Rotterdam on Sunday 5 March, we set off through Holland on the motorway network early Monday 6 March. Considering the faff of obtaining an Animal Health Certificate, it was somewhat surprising to see that nobody was present at Europort to check it. When I asked the guy that stamped my passport what the procedure was with my dog and the paperwork, he simply shrugged and said that he was only responsible for humans!
Once clear of the port, we made good progress through a drizzly Holland and onwards into Germany. We left the motorway system just N of Cologne, and picked up the main route following the Rhine SSE. We stopped for the night at a campsite in Remagen, which was where the last intact bridge over the Rhine was captured by the US 9th Infantry Division in 1945.
The following day we continued to follow the Rhine, with striking Castles appearing on the hilltops around many corners, and the steep slopes of the valley showing off the vines in what turned out to be a pleasant sunny drive. We stopped at the WohnMobil Park at Sinsheim that night.
Wednesday's drive saw us ending up for the night at a free Stellplatz in Cadolsburg, Bavaria, approximately 20 miles W of Nuremburg. It rained incessantly the whole night, and only eased off about 30 minutes before we departed the following morning for the Palace of Justice at Nuremburg to visit Court 600, the courtroom where the defeated Nazis were put on trial for War Crimes.
Thursday evening was spent at the Stellplatz at the Donaubad in Ulm, which was an excellent facility where you could use the showers in the Donaubad for a small additional fee (€2.) There was also a WC and a good cafe onsite. Friday-Sunday inclusive was spent with friends in the Friedrichshafen area, where we managed to visit the excellent Dornier Museum colocated at the Airport.
Total miles covered since leaving UK: 755


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