Marquis Berkshire motorhome update (1 Viewer)

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Aug 28, 2021
Oxford, UK
Funster No
Auto-Sleeper Kingham
I'm a newbie
Here is the latest in my saga about a motorhome purchased from Marquis Berkshire that I still don't have after seven weeks.

Firstly, am I doing this right by starting a new post each time there's a substantial update to the story? If feel that things could be missed by forum browsers if I just kept adding to the original post - and the thread would be multiple pages long by now and a tad confusing with all the replies, quotes and off-on-a-tangent comments.

First thing this morning I rocked up at the dealership with the documentation and proof I apparently needed to satisfy their anti-laundering 'policy', even though I just want the money paid back into the account it was paid from. There's surely not much of an opportunity to launder money by doing that! Still, I had the necessary and wanted to do it in person to avoid any further excuses. At this point I have lost all confidence in Marquis because of the delays and less than transparent information I had (not) received about the fact I would have to wait an indefinitely number of weeks to take collection, even once I'd paid for my van.

I met with the new Sales Manager since the original guy who sold me the van had left.

I said that as well as the remainder £75.5k refund, I also wanted a return of the £3000 deposit and to cancel the sale altogether. I told him that had I been told on my initial enquiries about the vehicle that I would still be waiting for it with no idea of an actual date of collection by October, I would have never gone ahead with the order.

New Sales Manager blew cold on my deposit refund and said Marquis has things in its contract to 'protect itself'. I told him that I wanted him to call head office to instigate the process of refund there and then and he flat out refused to do that. He said that there is a process that must be followed and he would be doing it later today. I stayed very calm (no voice raising etc.) but he was actually hostile to me, telling me I wasn't listening to him. Given the way I have been treated, any professional person would let me have my say but he just didn't want to listen to me and got up and walked away several times while I was explaining the situation and saying how unsatisfactory it all was.

I'm going to get stick from people in this forum but I left him with the details and he said that he would be back in touch later today or by 'first thing' tomorrow morning. When I pressed him on what he meant by first thing he got really shirty and said 'first thing means 10am because we don't open until 9am'.

Yes, I'm sure a lot of people would've chained themselves to the desk or refused to budge but I'm just not like that. With his assurance that he would sort it out and would speak to him director about the deposit refund, I left. I was red of face and fuming inside and it felt like leaving the headmaster's office. I'm subsequently annoyed with myself that I left but there you are.

I wrote a long and formal complaint which included everything that had happened, with date etc. and sent it via their website. Part of my complaint was now about the attitude of New Sales Manager (NSM) and, ridiculously, the Marquis website provides no details of where to send the complaint, stating only that you should email it to your local branch who would forward it on. I called NSM and asked him to give me direct contact details. He resolutely refused to do so. When I asked why he said it was because the process has to be followed. It seems obvious that Marquis is structured in such a way as to protect their head office directly wherever possible.

I sent him my complaint and used their online form to also forward it to the Head Office option in the dropdown menu. No actual email address or telephone available.

This afternoon I have been called by the company Sales Directory. He was much more calm and professional, even though all he did was explain the situation again despite the fact I am very aware of it by now and told him so.

Just in case I've not made it clear, here it is in a very brief nutshell.

Marquis needs a code from Stellanis. They then provide that code to the DVLA who issue the V55 on the vehicle which means they can they register it formally to me and it becomes road legal. Stellanis are not delivering that code despite 'numerous requests'. Sales Director guy told me what NSM and others have told me previously, that the 'big guns' of the company are now involved in trying to get this code from Stellantis.

Of course, at this point I couldn't really give a monkey's. I've had enough of dealing with Marquis and do not wish to give them any more of my custom. I have explained that I want to cancel the whole thing and have a refund of my deposit as well.

+ 10 minute pause +

That pause is because as I am writing, I've had a call from the Assistant Manager from Marquis. He has again explained the situation and was another level up again in professionalism and politeness. At this point I am convinced that this is as much a frustration for them as it is for me. I think it's a inexcusable way to run a business (to sell something you can't necessarily provide) so I'm not excusing that, but I do believe given we are where we are that they are doing what they can to progress things.

Apparently every other company they deal with has an online system in place but Stellantis still conduct business by paperwork in the post. That's not my problem, obviously. Every person I have spoken to at Marquis has told me they are all aware of the delays with Stellantis and THAT is my single gripe.

To repeat it again, nobody at any time warned me there could be a delay. Even if it didn't happen all the time with Stellantis, it happens enough that it's a known issue within the company and I should have been told that I could be waiting an indefinite time for my vehicle. That was never mentioned until after everything was paid and I had a date to collect it, which was then cancelled. At best that's negligent, at worst it might be described as a bit shady. The bottom line is that I would never have gone ahead with the sale had I known I would still be waiting in October, still without hint of an actual date.

I now have promises right up the line - from the branch manager to the company sales manager to the company assistant managing director (assistant to the managing director ;) - joke) that they will all get back to me tomorrow with details of my refund.

Is this situation ideal? No. Far from it. Am I doing what I personally am able to do? Yes.

What I hope will be a final update will follow.
Dec 17, 2019
St Leonards, Dorset, UK
Funster No
Carthago Malibu
Converted caravanner!
Good luck tomorrow. It’s easy in hindsight to say what you would and wouldn’t do, you had no reason to think such a well known company would perform so badly. I hope you get your full refund with no more messing.

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Aug 30, 2021
Wales, UK
Funster No
Rimor Evo 95
Since March 2022
I don't fully understand accounts, but there are some VERY big numbers in the right places in the accounts (assuming I've got the right people lol.)

Nearly £35million in the bank end 2022. £7.75million profit after tax...

Still think fancy new motorhomes cost what you (not you Lenny - everyone) paid?

OP - good luck tomorrow.
Agreed, £35m cash at bank as at 31/08/22, but the same accounts confirm that in February 2023, the Company declared a dividend of £20m to its parent company (ultimately Trigano). If since paid, that reduces A-S Group cash to £15m.

However, of greater concern to me is how sensitive (operating leverage) the UK group is to declining turnover, reduced operating margins and increasing administrative costs seen from 2021 to 2022. If Marquis have been struggling in 2023 to secure sufficient units for retail then without a corresponding reduction in their not insignificant number of retail outlets, their modest profitability could quite soon turn to ‘red ink’.

By their actions (more correctly inaction as regards the OP) the dealership appears to be very reluctant to want to return this not insignificant sum of money, This is highly disturbing, and they have plenty of opportunity to return the funds electronically, but for some unknown reason, haven’t. IMHO they appear to have failed to perform on the contract ie make the goods available for use in a reasonable time, and the OP has every right to cancel and a return of funds paid. Continued delays, without good reason appears unprofessional at best and suggests a more worrying reason regarding financial liquidity at branch level.

If the OP does not receive return of funds tomorrow, I would recommend the immediate engagement of a lawyer to secure your rights/claim.

I wish the OP the best with this unfortunate and regrettable situation. Marquis have done their reputation no favours by their actions to date, and suggests a more serious issue than initially meets the eye.
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Apr 30, 2018
Mid Suffolk
Funster No
Adria Matrix 670DC
Motorhoming since 2018.
For your own benefit please please please make sure you don’t leave their premises without receiving your full refund or the vehicle, regardless of whether it’s registered or not. It’s yours you paid for it in good faith.
Even if you have to arrange transportation at short notice.
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Aug 30, 2021
Wales, UK
Funster No
Rimor Evo 95
Since March 2022


Auto-Sleepers Group Ltd T/A Marquis Leisure
Registered office: Orchard Works, Willersey, Nr Broadway, Worcs WR12 7QF United Kingdom
Registered in England & Wales No. 3978237.

At the bottom of the page. Who knows.....
Berkshire Motor Caravan Centre Ltd probably was the trading entity that Marquis (more correctly, Auto -Sleepers Investments Limited) acquired back in the day. Incidentally (from their published accounts) I also learned they bought Michael Jordan Caravans a few years back too (I always wondered what had happened to that big caravan dealership and now I know!). It is not unusual for parent companies to declare the acquired subsidiary companies dormant (to protect the company name at least) and legally consolidate all the individual subsidiaries accounts and publish (‘hide’ 🙄) the financial results for the (combined) group in the consolidated accounts (in this case in parent: A-S Investments Ltd).
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Mar 22, 2023
New Forest, United Kingdom
Funster No
N+B Arto 74C
Since 2005
I admire SirPooleys restraint and calm.

I am afraid that the only good conclusion to this will be for a full refund, if SP is unlucky enough to be delivered the Mh then just imagine what he will feel like when something goes wrong with it?
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Aug 30, 2021
Wales, UK
Funster No
Rimor Evo 95
Since March 2022
I admire SirPooleys restraint and calm.

I am afraid that the only good conclusion to this will be for a full refund, if SP is unlucky enough to be delivered the Mh then just imagine what he will feel like when something goes wrong with it?
Agreed. There cannot be any goodwill left in this relationship. I hope the OP receives a full refund without further delay and secures a suitable alternative with a more transparent and trustworthy retailer.
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Feb 27, 2011
Funster No
Self Build
Since 2005
I had a call from the Assistant Managing Director of the company. He seemed confident that I was entitled to a full refund, including deposit, because - as you point out - I paid the deposit way over 30 days ago and don't have the goods.
I know I am sometimes naïve and tend to see the positive side of people all the time, something that has bothered me my entire life, but it does feel like it will be resolved positively tomorrow.
Of course, I'll be right back to square one on van quest but I'll have to embrace that.

He seemed confident? He should know.

Here is the law. Consumer rights act 2015

Note: 28.3(b).


My guess would be they have broken this and the contract is nullable? Full refund without any questions. BUT I am not a lawyer but seems pretty clear cut to me?
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Dec 6, 2022
Worcestershire, UK
Funster No
autotrail imala 736g
For your own benefit please please please make sure you don’t leave their premises without receiving your full refund or the vehicle, regardless of whether it’s registered or not. It’s yours you paid for it in good faith.
Even if you have to arrange transportation at short notice.
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! I've been on the end of a line of companies and individuals seeking money owed when a company went bust and ended getting less than £100 after about 18 months of form filling and numerous letters to and fro (pre internet)

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Feb 16, 2013
Funster No
ambulance conversion
50 years
One thing you all seem to be forgetting is they still have the motorhome, which they will probably sell to someone else this afternoon, doesn't matter how much cash they have in the bank, it's just going to rollover.
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Mar 21, 2022
Bradford, UK
Funster No
Chausson 711
Since 2009
One thing you all seem to be forgetting is they still have the motorhome, which they will probably sell to someone else this afternoon, doesn't matter how much cash they have in the bank, it's just going to rollover.
Companies spend huge amounts of money advertising their business and products then occasionally ruin it with one badly handled situation.
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Jun 29, 2015
Funster No
caravan (for now)
on and off since 1984
Years to build a reputation and minutes to destroy it!
Having bought a MOHO from Marquis I can say it's more than minutes, they have been giving very bad service for years. It took over a year and several visits to get the air-con fixed, during that time the service manager changed twice. I assume they have trouble retaining staff as well as customers and
I wonder how many people buy from them more than once

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May 7, 2016
West Sussex
Funster No
Malibu Van 640 LE K
Since 2003
Companies spend huge amounts of money advertising their business and products then occasionally ruin it with one badly handled situation.
One badly handled situation? It is clearly company policy to take your money in advance of handover which as far as I am concerned means every sale is badly handled.
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Aug 18, 2014
Funster No
Transit PVC
16 years since restarting
Hi. The vehicle itself isn't registered and so cannot be driven - even on trade plates.
& as I said on the other thread & posted a link to, & others have also confirmed ; they are lying.The sole purpose of trade plates is to move vehicles without tax, new & unregistered vehicles ,etc
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Sep 3, 2012
Funster No
C Class Elddis 175
8+ years
& as I said on the other thread & posted a link to, & others have also confirmed ; they are lying.The sole purpose of trade plates is to move vehicles without tax, new & unregistered vehicles ,etc
Quite agree. How do you think they drive all the new motorhomes to exhibitions and shows. Trade plates cover all that.
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Feb 16, 2013
Funster No
ambulance conversion
50 years
& as I said on the other thread & posted a link to, & others have also confirmed ; they are lying.The sole purpose of trade plates is to move vehicles without tax, new & unregistered vehicles ,etc
But what is the benefit to them of having their yard cluttered up with someone else's van if they could shift it.?

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Jun 30, 2011
Barnard Castle, UK
Funster No
Concorde Concerto
Since 2007
I can’t weigh this up, Marquis have the motorhome at their premises, SP has seen this , been in it, it’s stored now away from other vans for sale.

I can’t understand why Marquis are doing this, the van is there, he’s paid for it, what have they done wrong/what could have gone wrong. If it’s that easy to register why haven’t they done it and gave him the van?
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Sep 3, 2012
Funster No
C Class Elddis 175
8+ years
But what is the benefit to them of having their yard cluttered up with someone else's van if they could shift it.?
They have the van and the money, itsxa win win for Marquis. If they are short of stock, its a good selling point even with a sold sticker on it ( which I doubt it will have.)
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May 7, 2016
West Sussex
Funster No
Malibu Van 640 LE K
Since 2003
But what is the benefit to them of having their yard cluttered up with someone else's van if they could shift it.?
No benefit. The whole thing smacks of incompetence and lies to cover up their mistakes.
I can’t weigh this up, Marquis have the motorhome at their premises, SP has seen this , been in it, it’s stored now away from other vans for sale.

I can’t understand why Marquis are doing this, the van is there, he’s paid for it, what have they done wrong/what could have gone wrong. If it’s that easy to register why haven’t they done it and gave him the van?
I suspect they have lost the Peugeot paperwork that would have come with the vehicle. They are now trying to get Peugeot to re- issue the paperwork and codes before they can register it. Even with online registration you need the paperwork. Just a guess but dealer incompetence is beyond doubt.

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May 31, 2015
Funster No
Ducato PVC
Getting Better
But what is the benefit to them of having their yard cluttered up with someone else's van if they could shift it.?

I can’t weigh this up, Marquis have the motorhome at their premises, SP has seen this , been in it, it’s stored now away from other vans for sale.

I can’t understand why Marquis are doing this, the van is there, he’s paid for it, what have they done wrong/what could have gone wrong. If it’s that easy to register why haven’t they done it and gave him the van?

Maybe it’s not theirs to sell or move, could have a loan or chattel mortgage on it… but whatever reason it is they’ve well and truly ** it up…

We will never know their side of this sorry story…
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