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Ignoring People and Content

Don’t Like Something? Just Ignore It

With thousands of members, we know we can’t please everyone all the time—no matter how hard we try.

That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to filter out the things you don’t enjoy.

  • Don’t get along with a particular member? You can choose to ignore them, and their posts will disappear from your view.
  • Not a fan of a specific forum section—like the U-Shaped Lounge? You can hide entire forums from your feed.
  • Tired of a long-running thread that’s winding you up? You can ignore individual threads too.

So if something’s not your cup of tea, don’t let it ruin your experience—just ignore it and carry on enjoying the fun!

🚫 Ignore a Member

If someone’s posts are consistently rubbing you the wrong way:

  1. Click on their username to open their profile.
  2. Click the “Ignore” button (usually at the top right of their profile).
  3. Confirm your choice.

What happens?
You’ll no longer see their posts, messages, or activity—unless you choose to unignore them later.

You can manage your ignored users from your account settings under “People You Ignore.”

🚫Ignore a Whole Forum Section

Not interested in a specific section like the U-Shaped Lounge?

  1. Go to that forum section.
  2. Look for the “Ignore Forum” option— found at the top right.
  3. Click it to hide that entire forum from your view.

🚫Ignore a Thread

If a particular thread is dragging on or annoying you:

  1. Open the thread.
  2. Look for the “Ignore Thread” option top right.
  3. Click it, and poof—gone from your feed.

A video for those who don’t like text instructions

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