Motorhomefun Club Rules

Welcome to MotorhomeFun – Our Online Home. MotorhomeFun is more than just a forum – it’s our home. To keep it a welcoming, enjoyable place for everyone, we have a few expectations about how members behave.

We’re well known for our friendly, light-hearted atmosphere, and we’d like to keep it that way. Curt, abrupt or unnecessarily sharp replies aren’t in the spirit of MotorhomeFun and may lead to you being banned – without warning. If you can’t be courteous, we’d rather you didn’t post at all.

If you’re new here, take a little time to browse around and get a feel for the place. Look at the tone of our conversations – you’ll soon get a sense of what’s acceptable when it comes to posts and topics.

If you dive straight in with provocative or antagonistic comments, don’t be surprised if you’re banned. In the past, we handed out yellow cards and tried to coach new members towards better behaviour (see Rule 1 below). These days, we’re too busy for that – so it’s a straight ban. No warnings, and no second chances. You can’t say you weren’t told.
Traders, please refer to the separate guidance [linked here].

If any of the rules below rub you up the wrong way, and you’re feeling ready to mount a soapbox about free speech on the internet, then MotorhomeFun probably isn’t the right place for you – and we’d politely ask you to leave now.

However, if you enjoy respectful, engaging conversation, have a sense of humour and common courtesy, then you’re in the right place – and we’re chuffed to have you on board.

We only have four simple rules. By posting on MotorhomeFun, you’re agreeing to follow them. If you choose not to, you may be banned – and if that happens, there will be no refund of your subscription.

Rule 1: Be Nice

This is a civilised place for public discussion. We’re here to enjoy ourselves and have great conversations — so please, always aim to improve the tone and quality of the discussion, even in small ways. If you’re unsure whether your post will add anything worthwhile, take a moment to think before posting.

Disagreements are perfectly fine — but be agreeable when you disagree. Always strive to be nice.

What isn’t Nice!

Getting personal. Personal attacks of any kind are not allowed. That includes offensive, insulting, profane or vulgar language. Remarks like “Get a life”, “Grow up”, “That’s stupid/silly/pathetic/crap/bullshit” are not welcome here.

As soon as a discussion turns personal, it tends to spiral — fast. Comments like “You would say that” or “Only an idiot would do that” are personal digs. Don’t do it. It ruins the fun, friendly atmosphere for everyone.

If someone rubs you up the wrong way, respond to what they said — not who they are. DO NOT question someone’s intelligence, make jibes about their parenting, education or comment on them personally in any way. Instead, provide a reasoned reply that adds something constructive.

If someone is rude to you, don’t retaliate — report them. If you respond in kind, you’ll be treated just the same as they are. And if you really can’t get on with someone, use the Ignore feature.

The “Ignore” System

If another member winds you up, you can quietly ignore them. If things are mutual, you can set a double ignore, meaning you won’t see their posts and they won’t see yours.

But here’s the key rule:
Keep your ignores private.

Do not say things like:

  • “Oh, I ignore him.”
  • “He blocks me.”
  • “You’re on ignore.”
  • “Thank goodness for the ignore button.”

DO NOT MENTION THE IGNORE SYSTEM Doing so will likely result in a ban.

The ignore system is there to stop petty bickering — not start it. Don’t flip-flop between ignoring and unignoring someone, as that’s considered antagonistic and an abuse of the system.

Use it quietly, and move on.

Being Nice about Spelling & Grammar

Pointing Out Spelling or Grammar Mistakes Is Not Nice We strictly forbid correcting another member’s spelling or grammar — even if you think you’re being helpful or funny. It’s patronising, unhelpful, and unwelcome. Do it, and you risk a ban.

Liking Rule-Breaking Posts Is Not Nice

If someone posts something rude or offensive — and you ‘Like’ it — expect to be treated the same as the person who wrote it.

Clicking the Like button on a rule-breaking post is taken as an endorsement of that behaviour. Don’t do it.

Defeating the Word Censor Is Not Nice

We use a word censor to automatically replace inappropriate words or phrases with something more suitable. Don’t try to get around it by using spaces, dashes, or creative spelling to sneak in bad language.

Doing so will likely result in a lengthy ban.

Rule 2: Don’t Be Defamatory

MotorhomeFun is not the place to post defamatory comments about any person, business or company — no matter how justified you feel in doing so.

This is a forum for enjoying and discussing the fun side of motorhoming — not a platform to vent, spread gossip, or run campaigns against individuals or businesses.

NEVER post a scathing review inside a general discussion thread.

Why? Because when complaints are scattered across the forum, they get repeated endlessly. One person has a bad experience, and then months or years later, every time that company is mentioned, they jump into the thread and rehash the same grievance.

That’s not helpful, and it disrupts the balance of conversation.

If You’ve Had a Bad Experience…

You’re welcome to write a detailed, honest review in the proper Review Section. Post it once — and leave it there. That way, members can make up their own minds and find relevant information in the right place.

While many forums ban any mention of competitors, we don’t — we’re not precious about being mentioned in conversation. However, there are a few firm boundaries:

  • Do not post direct links to other forums that are motorhome-related.
  • Do not use your forum signature to direct people elsewhere.
  • Do not promote other forums, unless there’s a genuinely excellent reason.

We work hard to attract and keep visitors here. It’s poor etiquette to create posts or signatures that act as signposts leading people away from MotorhomeFun. Links from our site can boost competitors’ search engine rankings — to our detriment.

What Is Allowed?

Casual mentions of other forums in passing are fine.
A bit of light-hearted banter? Also fine.
But seriously criticising or “rubbishing” other forums — or their members — is not acceptable.

We’re all part of the same wider community. Keep things respectful.

Rule 4: Traders & Trading

If you’re a trader — meaning you sell motorhomes, camping/motorhome-related products, or offer services to motorhomers — you must inform the admin team. Once approved, you’ll be marked as a Trade Member beneath your username.

MotorhomeFun is a community of enthusiasts, not a sales platform. Traders are welcome, but this is not a place to promote or sell your products and services.

Important Guidelines for Traders:

  • You must follow the Trader Rules, outlined [here].
  • We know every book on digital marketing tells you to “join forums and post about your business” — don’t do that here. You’ll be banned.
  • Spamming the forum with links to your company — or sneaky self-promotion — will also result in a ban. No one likes spam, and it reflects badly on your business.

Signatures, Sponsorship & Usernames

  • Commercial links in signatures are ONLY allowed for forum sponsors.
  • If you are a sponsor, you may include one commercial link, either a short slogan or a URL, on a single line in size 2 text — nothing larger.
  • Signatures must be no deeper than 4 lines total.
  • No company names or commercial links unless you’re a sponsor.
  • Your username must not be the same or similar to your business name unless you’re a sponsor. Choose something appropriate. If it’s not, we’ll ask you to change it.

No Unauthorised Advertising — Anywhere

Advertising your business or linking to commercial sites is not allowed:

  • In forum posts
  • In your signature (unless you’re a sponsor)
  • In Conversations (sometimes called private messages)

If you reference a business or website you’re commercially involved with — even subtly — it’s still considered advertising.

Member or Trader – Affiliate links are strictly not allowed.

Please note: Admin may monitor Conversations for sales-related terms to ensure the community remains spam-free.


If someone breaks any of the rules DO NOT challenge them or respond in kind. For example, if someone breaks rule 1 and then you break it responding to them, then expect to be banned with them. There are no excuses for breaking the rules, least of all provocation. REPORT THE POST and let us deal with it. Every post has a link to report it below the post marked ‘Report’

If You See Someone Breaking the Rules

If another member breaks the rules, do not respond in kind or try to challenge them yourself.

For example:
If someone is rude to you and you reply with rudeness of your own, expect to be banned along with them. Being provoked is not an excuse — if you break the rules, you’ll be treated the same.

Instead, report the post and let us handle it.

Every post has a ‘Report’ button just below it. Use it — that’s what it’s there for.

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