So we just have ran out of 6kg after 30 days nearly exactly of use and actually actively monitored use so hopefully this may help others to judge their use in future.
new replacement 6kg bottle was installed Christmas Eve we had EHU at time until 2nd Jan -> the new bottle lasted (iun terms of gas usage):
At weekends we've been 100% off grid for each stay, Fri, Sat and somtimes Sun night -> we counted days fully off grid so far as 5.
We didn't find ~12 ish days with at least half off grid as being that "bad" usage wise for a 6kg bottle. Using hookup does economise on fridge use of gas, which is substatial compared with cooking, as long as the electricity is included, as if it's not it's probably cheaper on gas.
If we end up using the van next winter as much as this, it's making me rethink our economics of Gaslow argument, even though refilling around here there is currently only a single garage with supply regularly. 22kg of gas would do us a month I expect and would allow more wild camping, which we've found we love now -> and if we go France we absolutely would need this as we'd only last ~ 11 days max on 2 full 6kgs..
new replacement 6kg bottle was installed Christmas Eve we had EHU at time until 2nd Jan -> the new bottle lasted (iun terms of gas usage):
- Cooking meals in oven for 8 days straight -> we were fully off grid with no takeaway possible as rurally located:
- Coffee/Tea times at least 5 each day
At weekends we've been 100% off grid for each stay, Fri, Sat and somtimes Sun night -> we counted days fully off grid so far as 5.
- Fridge on gas fully, it was pre-cooled at home for 24hours before we left.
- Heating on gas (and yes it's been cold).
- Cooking in oven or on hob
- Teas again x5 a day.
- Showers once a day
We didn't find ~12 ish days with at least half off grid as being that "bad" usage wise for a 6kg bottle. Using hookup does economise on fridge use of gas, which is substatial compared with cooking, as long as the electricity is included, as if it's not it's probably cheaper on gas.
If we end up using the van next winter as much as this, it's making me rethink our economics of Gaslow argument, even though refilling around here there is currently only a single garage with supply regularly. 22kg of gas would do us a month I expect and would allow more wild camping, which we've found we love now -> and if we go France we absolutely would need this as we'd only last ~ 11 days max on 2 full 6kgs..