just wondering, I guess there's a few people on here that have had issues with their moho and how far can I push the point with the company I got it from.
We really love our moho, it's a one off build by this conversion company that we purchased 18 month ago , its 2017 and converted from new that they resold.
We have had issues with many bits that the company have spent time fixing, its a 4 hour trip to get back to them so not really convenient , this time last year it was in for yet another fault on the slide out , it leaked, then it failed to come in etc, we took B&B 4 nights as they second guessed how long it would take, even when I collected it on day 5 it still leaked through new seals, its been back again since but every time we go away in it we are worried we will be stuck with the slide out back still out. This past weekend trip again spoilt by this same issue, on a saturday its hard to get hold of some assistance from them as they are not always open.
So we are now getting a bit fed up with the let downs, I imagine they wont want to refund me , should i be greatfull they are still trying a bit- I've seen some shocking customer service that others have had , can't say this is terrible but ultimately we cant reliably use this moho and they don't seem to be able to fix it.
Its now melting the blade fuse case.. not popping the fuse, i guess some resistance build up stops the controller from operating for a bit ( 60 mins or more ) then as long as I can get to the fuse ( slide has to be out) then so far we have been lucky. Scotland trip now cancelled for end of this month, now fed up.
We really love our moho, it's a one off build by this conversion company that we purchased 18 month ago , its 2017 and converted from new that they resold.
We have had issues with many bits that the company have spent time fixing, its a 4 hour trip to get back to them so not really convenient , this time last year it was in for yet another fault on the slide out , it leaked, then it failed to come in etc, we took B&B 4 nights as they second guessed how long it would take, even when I collected it on day 5 it still leaked through new seals, its been back again since but every time we go away in it we are worried we will be stuck with the slide out back still out. This past weekend trip again spoilt by this same issue, on a saturday its hard to get hold of some assistance from them as they are not always open.
So we are now getting a bit fed up with the let downs, I imagine they wont want to refund me , should i be greatfull they are still trying a bit- I've seen some shocking customer service that others have had , can't say this is terrible but ultimately we cant reliably use this moho and they don't seem to be able to fix it.
Its now melting the blade fuse case.. not popping the fuse, i guess some resistance build up stops the controller from operating for a bit ( 60 mins or more ) then as long as I can get to the fuse ( slide has to be out) then so far we have been lucky. Scotland trip now cancelled for end of this month, now fed up.