We have never used the shower, but on inspection underneath recently, we discovered that the shower must have leaked for some time before our purchase and there is rot starting at the nearside rear of the van ( shower area) and travelled across towards the offside.
The rearmost wooden cross member is rotted and where it joins the floor there is also rot.
Has anyone experienced this, and can suggest solutions ? Is it something that has to be done by a dealer? If so do you have personal recommendations please ?
No1. Below Shows nearside rear corner of the van, wiring bundle is from DIY tow bar fitted and removed by previous owner.
No2 shows rear crossmember
No.3 is close up of rot
The rearmost wooden cross member is rotted and where it joins the floor there is also rot.
Has anyone experienced this, and can suggest solutions ? Is it something that has to be done by a dealer? If so do you have personal recommendations please ?
No1. Below Shows nearside rear corner of the van, wiring bundle is from DIY tow bar fitted and removed by previous owner.
No2 shows rear crossmember
No.3 is close up of rot