Van fitted with 2x110ah lithium batteries, Victron IP22 30a charger, Smart shunt and battery master. Van is kept in a secure, indoor workshop that has no daylight so there’s no solar to keep leisure batteries charged.
I have connected the van to the mains but have a timer fitted so that the mains is limited to two hours once a week. After three weeks, today was the first chance I had to go and check the batteries and was surprised to see that the state of charge was down to 66% and that the starter battery voltage was 12.4.
It was apparent that there had been no power despite the timer. I checked the timer programme and it was correct. I then checked the charger and found that it had tripped. I reset the MCB and advanced the timer and the charger started charging. I waited 30 minutes and the charger did not trip again.
So I checked the timer again, and left the van with the timer set to come on for 2 hours on Monday. We plan to use the van from the 16th Jan for two months so am wondering why the charger tripped over the Christmas period.
I’ve attached screenshots of today’s shunt reading and history in case it tells something I don’t understand. Thanks in advance.
I have connected the van to the mains but have a timer fitted so that the mains is limited to two hours once a week. After three weeks, today was the first chance I had to go and check the batteries and was surprised to see that the state of charge was down to 66% and that the starter battery voltage was 12.4.
It was apparent that there had been no power despite the timer. I checked the timer programme and it was correct. I then checked the charger and found that it had tripped. I reset the MCB and advanced the timer and the charger started charging. I waited 30 minutes and the charger did not trip again.
So I checked the timer again, and left the van with the timer set to come on for 2 hours on Monday. We plan to use the van from the 16th Jan for two months so am wondering why the charger tripped over the Christmas period.
I’ve attached screenshots of today’s shunt reading and history in case it tells something I don’t understand. Thanks in advance.
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