I had to replace the vehicle battery on our Ford Transit based 2021 Roller Team Zefiro 696 because it was wrecked by being completely drained when the MH was in storage. To prevent this happening again I installed a VanBitz Battery Master. Easy to do with excellent instructions. However I am really disappointed to find the battery is still down to 11.9V after 4 weeks with the leisure battery at 12.9V. The MH is stored outside with no shading of the solar panel. The lights on the Battery Master indicate it is wired correctly and working. Reading the blurb I believe the the Battery Master can deliver a maximum of 1A while other similar systems can feed higher currents to the vehicle battery. Is the Battery Master man enough for the job? I appreciate that in late autumn the solar panel will not be generating as much power as in the summer. Am I being mislead by reading the leisure battery voltage during daylight when it is being charged so that its voltage in the night is much lower. Thoughts please!