Hi - I have two 95Ah AGM batteries under the drivers seat. Not sure how long these typically last but I'm thinking that at six years old they are probably on borrowed time.
Being a bit of a numpty when it comes to Electrickery I'm tempted just to replace them like for like, although more Ah would be highly desireable if the physical size was the same. So, can anyone recommend me two new (high capacity?) AGM batteries or tell me how complicated it would be to replace with Lithium and what the advantages would be?
I currently have -
Solar controller LTD 1210D
100w Solar Panel
EBL 119
Being a bit of a numpty when it comes to Electrickery I'm tempted just to replace them like for like, although more Ah would be highly desireable if the physical size was the same. So, can anyone recommend me two new (high capacity?) AGM batteries or tell me how complicated it would be to replace with Lithium and what the advantages would be?
I currently have -
Solar controller LTD 1210D
100w Solar Panel
EBL 119