Working out my Li battery installation. I’ll be charging it with a 30 A B2B and a 30 A solar panel and I’ll be taking up to 150 A out of it with a 1500 W inverter.
My question: Should I run appropriately fused cables from each of these three devices directly to the Li battery posts or should I connect the devices up to a Busbar and then run a single cable (for each polarity) from the Busbar to the Li battery posts. If the latter, does the Busbar to battery cable need to be capable of carrying 210 A or just 150 A (since the most current that will travel into the battery is 60 A and out of the battery is 150 A)?
My question: Should I run appropriately fused cables from each of these three devices directly to the Li battery posts or should I connect the devices up to a Busbar and then run a single cable (for each polarity) from the Busbar to the Li battery posts. If the latter, does the Busbar to battery cable need to be capable of carrying 210 A or just 150 A (since the most current that will travel into the battery is 60 A and out of the battery is 150 A)?