As the title says really
We have bought a circe Morphious Tandem with a Pendix electric pack . We have now found a good compromise as the Hase which i think is the best out of the 2 is well out of our price range at £12,000
Carole on the front seat is very happy on our maiden outing in a big carpark (she has not experienced heading straight for iron railings or a parked car) and has underneath her the luxery of the front suspension
Me on the other hould land would like a suspension seat post. I bought suspension posts for our last bike for £13.95 each which for holiday riding for a few rides out was suffice.
I have been told the Thudbuster is the best ,but at £175.00 plus hoped that there was something in the middle I have seen various one around £60
Not having any experience of the upmarket seat posts need some advice
Rear panniers now again we bought cheap £9.99 they worked perfect but found the zip was tight going aroud the corners are the more expensive ones good and if so please reccomend for a 20" wheel rear pannier
Thanks in advance
We have bought a circe Morphious Tandem with a Pendix electric pack . We have now found a good compromise as the Hase which i think is the best out of the 2 is well out of our price range at £12,000
Carole on the front seat is very happy on our maiden outing in a big carpark (she has not experienced heading straight for iron railings or a parked car) and has underneath her the luxery of the front suspension
Me on the other hould land would like a suspension seat post. I bought suspension posts for our last bike for £13.95 each which for holiday riding for a few rides out was suffice.
I have been told the Thudbuster is the best ,but at £175.00 plus hoped that there was something in the middle I have seen various one around £60
Not having any experience of the upmarket seat posts need some advice
Rear panniers now again we bought cheap £9.99 they worked perfect but found the zip was tight going aroud the corners are the more expensive ones good and if so please reccomend for a 20" wheel rear pannier
Thanks in advance