Looking for advice on screen doors please. This year we have introduced our cat to motorhoming, (she was new to us at 18 months old in September 14 - the cat that is). Our previous cat used to caravan with us all the time, just jumped out the window sat under the van till sure of her way then off she would go and always come back when called. Dolly is very nervous, won't come when frightened so we have to fetch her (if we can see her) if we let her out she will run off and hide. Just lost her for 2 days in germany, found her under a static luckily. Anyway she has sat nicely behind the screen door up to now if its warm and we are in the van but has worked out it will give way if she forces it. To save having to keep the door closed does anyone know if its possible to get a stronger mesh type replacement? We do take her out into the awning on a harness and lead so she's not stuck in all the time. Would be nice to have peace of mind with door open.