Here's a few photos of my sumo springs.
Pilote 633 fiat ducato
Usual harsh ride on the ven so I fitted a set of sumo springs which I bought used on here.
It all looked good,van raised slightly more and a bit better on road.
About 6 months forward and about 3000 miles things got progressively worse than before
This morning I he'd a look at the van and noticed the sumos were fully compressed.
1st photos are van jacked up and sumos have stayed compressed.
I have now refitted the fiat bumpstops and the van feels a lot better.
Thinking extra leaf or arr assist may be next .
Pilote 633 fiat ducato
Usual harsh ride on the ven so I fitted a set of sumo springs which I bought used on here.
It all looked good,van raised slightly more and a bit better on road.
About 6 months forward and about 3000 miles things got progressively worse than before
This morning I he'd a look at the van and noticed the sumos were fully compressed.
1st photos are van jacked up and sumos have stayed compressed.
I have now refitted the fiat bumpstops and the van feels a lot better.
Thinking extra leaf or arr assist may be next .