Free Member
Following on from my thread on poor TV reception - (which I must say received a good deal of useful info, so thanks Funsters for replying) - I now continue to my next bugbear of poor radio reception. I have had 5 campers/motorhomes over the years and everyone has had absolutely awful radio reception when on the road. Its general Ok at campsites, but definitely not all, when the signal can be relatively stable. Brilliant in and around London but rubbish outside the M25. Normally Radio 2 is about the only station you might pick up on a scan, I suspect because it has a strong transmission. In Europe it tends to be a little better but still, on the roads it is rubbish. I read somewhere that because campers don't have much metal in them they make very poor bases for aerials. I have tried signal boosters and new aerials and even new radios but nothing seems to improve the lousy reception. I normally just resort to bluetooth off my phone playlist but I do sometimes want to listen to the news or other music. Has anyone come across a magic formula or highly sensitive radio that will keep a stable signal on the road? Here's hoping!!