If your van converter has fitted rear windows and has done nothing to stop the doors opening to more than 90° here is what you can do.
Remove the lower interior door trims.
Buy new stays for about £15 each side(ebay). Simple job to remove and refit. Spring loaded stops will prevent door opening more than 90°.
Or open doors to 90° and mark the stay arm where the door mounted friction block buffers are. Remove complete stay from vehicle drill a 6mm hole through stay from top in line with the mark u made on the side. Insert 6mm bolt with 2 nuts above and 2 below stay. Refit.
Door will not now open past the point where your new bolts contact the friction block buffer.
Works for me.
Remove the lower interior door trims.
Buy new stays for about £15 each side(ebay). Simple job to remove and refit. Spring loaded stops will prevent door opening more than 90°.
Or open doors to 90° and mark the stay arm where the door mounted friction block buffers are. Remove complete stay from vehicle drill a 6mm hole through stay from top in line with the mark u made on the side. Insert 6mm bolt with 2 nuts above and 2 below stay. Refit.
Door will not now open past the point where your new bolts contact the friction block buffer.
Works for me.