It’s been a while since we had a toilet thread…. I was reading a recent article on the BBC website which set me thinking. One of the great benefits of owning a motorhome is you take your toilet with you. However, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find public toilets and more-and-more we have to rely on cafes and the like. It seems that in the UK this is now discouraged by many owners for understandable reasons. But in continental Europe, generally speaking, it’s ok to just walk in and use the private facilities. It tends not to be abused and there is no drama or feeling that you need to creep in unobserved. Is that the that the experience of others when out & about abroad? Having to pay £4 for a coffee in return for a pee, and top up your bladder is ridiculous. As a man of a certain age I’m a slave to an enlarged prostate which requires a certain degree of planning when out & about in unfamiliar places with few trees. I’d be interested to know how others cope?
'I don't want to buy a £4 coffee just so I can use the loo' - BBC News
Should cafés let people who don't buy anything use their toilets?