Due to a recurrent basal cell carcinoma there is a possibility that I will lose my left eye later this year. This will obviously impact on our motorhoming lifestyle if not remove it entirely! I am aware that it is possible to drive with one eye on a B license as long as the remaining one meets certain criteria. I'm not so sure about the C1 category though. The DVLA website does not make it very clear. They mention filling in a form and sending it to them. Other places I can conclude that one eyed driving is not legal for the C1 class. Has anyone been in this position?
The ironic thing is that I waited 8 months to get my C1 license (I'm 70) and now it looks like I can't use it!
Are there any Funsters here who have been in this position?
Edit: Also what is the situation if driving abroad (France and Germany for instance)?
The ironic thing is that I waited 8 months to get my C1 license (I'm 70) and now it looks like I can't use it!
Are there any Funsters here who have been in this position?
Edit: Also what is the situation if driving abroad (France and Germany for instance)?