My desktop PC which I have had since 2011 has finally given up. It powers up but doesn’t do anything else. Suspect it could be a failed Hard Drive. Fortunately all my personal info is backed up on One Drive.
Due to the age of my PC I’m looking at buying a replacement rather than upgrading individual components. Appreciate any recommendations on decent suppliers out there. I bought my current one from Dino PC but after quick browse of the net the options now are endless and a little confusing.
I’m not a gamer so don’t need a high end machine but I do like to listen to music, either from Spotify or my Flac files (ripped from my CDs and stored on an external hard drive) so would like a half decent Sound Card. Also, now that I’ve retired, I’m planning to do some cataloguing work with all our digital photos as well as digitising all our paper photos with the intention of creating a book of our life to pass on to the kids and grandkids.
Hoping to spend £600 - 1000. I have bought new Keyboard, Display and Mouse in the last year, so only PC required. Any recommendations appreciated.
Due to the age of my PC I’m looking at buying a replacement rather than upgrading individual components. Appreciate any recommendations on decent suppliers out there. I bought my current one from Dino PC but after quick browse of the net the options now are endless and a little confusing.
I’m not a gamer so don’t need a high end machine but I do like to listen to music, either from Spotify or my Flac files (ripped from my CDs and stored on an external hard drive) so would like a half decent Sound Card. Also, now that I’ve retired, I’m planning to do some cataloguing work with all our digital photos as well as digitising all our paper photos with the intention of creating a book of our life to pass on to the kids and grandkids.
Hoping to spend £600 - 1000. I have bought new Keyboard, Display and Mouse in the last year, so only PC required. Any recommendations appreciated.