Today I inadvertently changed my BMS settings on my OPS 280 (don't ask )..........
It's the weekend, but I thought I would try a call to Offgrid and Roger answered straight away. Very quickly I had details of the correct settings sent over the phone and step by step guidance to change them back to the correct settings.
My leisure battery was very quickly back on line and it actually was a great learning opportunity, especially for me to keep my fat fingers in my pockets in future..
This is fantastic service from Offgrid - especially on a Saturday and I am not sure that this level of customer support would be provided by other battery suppliers!
It's the weekend, but I thought I would try a call to Offgrid and Roger answered straight away. Very quickly I had details of the correct settings sent over the phone and step by step guidance to change them back to the correct settings.
My leisure battery was very quickly back on line and it actually was a great learning opportunity, especially for me to keep my fat fingers in my pockets in future..
This is fantastic service from Offgrid - especially on a Saturday and I am not sure that this level of customer support would be provided by other battery suppliers!