Hi all,
We had a gaslow system fitted when we bought the van in August we went for half and half as per pics. We used it for 5 days last month without any issue's but yesterday when prepping the van for our full time adventure in Feb we could not get any gas through. The gaslow bottle is on the yellow mark and the UK bottle is full. We have tried the re set button and made sure both bottle taps are fully open and put one of the gas burners on the hob but there is no flow. The green dial normally spins when the gas is flowing but it is not moving? We are assuming even if the gaslow bottle is empty, that the system should automatically use the full bottle. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
We had a gaslow system fitted when we bought the van in August we went for half and half as per pics. We used it for 5 days last month without any issue's but yesterday when prepping the van for our full time adventure in Feb we could not get any gas through. The gaslow bottle is on the yellow mark and the UK bottle is full. We have tried the re set button and made sure both bottle taps are fully open and put one of the gas burners on the hob but there is no flow. The green dial normally spins when the gas is flowing but it is not moving? We are assuming even if the gaslow bottle is empty, that the system should automatically use the full bottle. Any suggestions would be appreciated.