Buy toll box » Toll devices 🚗 car & private » maut1 GmbH
Toll box for Europe ✓ Italy ✓ France ✓ Portugal ✓ Spain ▶ for cars ▻ motorcycles ▻ camper ▶ Easy billing without toll congestion ☟ More

There was an article in my local newspaper (attached) about a company near to me that does toll tags.
A quick look gave me a couple of key points:
English web pages available / English speaking staff available
The tag is based on height not weight, 4.25 ton, Tag axle etc ok if under 3m high.
Decent payment options including PayPal
Transferable between vehicles
There is a lot more so have a look and see if it suitable for you, I have no connection with the company but will sign up as soon.