In Italy and on same site for 5 days which for us is a first.
Mains included so permanently on hook up - set at 5A to ensure we don't trip the pole.
At first hook up charges to 100% and eventually drops down to float setting.
Happened to check the KS battery app this morning and noticed charge is down to 80% and about 1A charge in, presumably from solar. Mains still connected and showing float charge.
If I turn the invertor off for 10 seconds and power back on, normal bulk charge commences again.
Any ideas?
Mains included so permanently on hook up - set at 5A to ensure we don't trip the pole.
At first hook up charges to 100% and eventually drops down to float setting.
Happened to check the KS battery app this morning and noticed charge is down to 80% and about 1A charge in, presumably from solar. Mains still connected and showing float charge.
If I turn the invertor off for 10 seconds and power back on, normal bulk charge commences again.
Any ideas?