I've been concerned that my leisure battery wasn't being charged properly so I fitted a Victron shunt to monitor it.
I see no more than 3 Amps going in when charging from Alternator or mains charger even with a pretty depleted battery.
I observed it after a long run a few weeks ago in case the start battery was being charged as a priority but even after 6 or so hours, the charge current to the leisure battery was pitiful.
The mains charger is a 20A unit and I would have expected to see 20A + when charging from Alternator
The MH (2020 Compass Avant Garde/Peugeot Boxer) has a strange little BCA PDU that the charging wires go through - I wonder if it is somehow managing/reducing the charge current.
Any ideas ?
I see no more than 3 Amps going in when charging from Alternator or mains charger even with a pretty depleted battery.
I observed it after a long run a few weeks ago in case the start battery was being charged as a priority but even after 6 or so hours, the charge current to the leisure battery was pitiful.
The mains charger is a 20A unit and I would have expected to see 20A + when charging from Alternator
The MH (2020 Compass Avant Garde/Peugeot Boxer) has a strange little BCA PDU that the charging wires go through - I wonder if it is somehow managing/reducing the charge current.
Any ideas ?