Mad dog
Hi all, my 2 x 100ah Banner lead acids are about knackered, so looking at fitting a 200ah lithium instead. I've no solar, it's just a 2019 Rapido Dreamer D55 based on a Ducato with a Nordelettronica NE287 17A charger.
I think the charger might be a bit under spec for a 200a battery? It's supposed to handle lithiums by altering the dip switches. I could order a 150ah battery instead, but if it's handled 2 x 100ah lead acids for 4 years, will it do?
The van split charges from the alternator to charge both engine & hab batteries, will this be OK for a big lithium battery please?
I've tended to find that despite rarely using a hookup when away, our regular driving keeps the batteries topped up, so I've never bothered with solar. We tend to drive each day, I previously found that the lead acids would last 3+ days with our usage.
Cheers all.
I think the charger might be a bit under spec for a 200a battery? It's supposed to handle lithiums by altering the dip switches. I could order a 150ah battery instead, but if it's handled 2 x 100ah lead acids for 4 years, will it do?
The van split charges from the alternator to charge both engine & hab batteries, will this be OK for a big lithium battery please?
I've tended to find that despite rarely using a hookup when away, our regular driving keeps the batteries topped up, so I've never bothered with solar. We tend to drive each day, I previously found that the lead acids would last 3+ days with our usage.
Cheers all.