Deleted User
Armstrong Roy
Black & Mrs RJ
Corderoy Duncan
Hollingworth AB
Schofield Ian
Taylor L
Theakston P
If your name is above then the Newark organisers think you are camping with us at the Newark Spring Show...
...but we don't
Please PM me so I can cross reference our list of attendees with theirs - failure to do so will mean that ALL the weekends drinks are on you :thanks2:
Administrator and Rally Marshall extraordinaire
Black & Mrs RJ
Corderoy Duncan
Hollingworth AB
Schofield Ian
Taylor L
Theakston P
If your name is above then the Newark organisers think you are camping with us at the Newark Spring Show...
...but we don't
Please PM me so I can cross reference our list of attendees with theirs - failure to do so will mean that ALL the weekends drinks are on you :thanks2:
Administrator and Rally Marshall extraordinaire