Been riding bikes for 51 yrs and was the usual "hooligan" (like most of us ) in the early days.Now I ride "defensively " and stick to the speed limits/lights on/give benefit of doubts/Hi-Viz etc.If I could go out for a ride and know if I had an accident it would be my fault I would be happy. But it seems to get more dangerous nowadays with drivers pulling out /cutting you up.This morning only got a couple of miles out when car turned across me into junction when I was right on him-just managed to stop,then coming back following a Fiesta at 40 mph started overtaking it got up to 60 mph indicated to pull back in and checked mirror and noticed him on my back wheel.Tried to pull him up after that to ask him why but gave up.Why do these morons do it?I have been lucky over the years and had many tours here and abroad and seriously thinking of calling it a day and just using the little bike on back of camper cause I don't want hospital food!