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Hello everyone, after much deliberating my hubby and I are taking the plunge and going to be full timers in a couple of months time. We have spent every spare minute visiting all the motorhome suppliers in our area and checking out all the vans. Now they all look lovely and functional but the more time we spend in them the more we get confused. We have narrowed it down to wanting a fixed rear bed, garage, wet room and space to chill out and plate up. Our biggest dilemma is ..firstly...New? or used? and we need ideally an automatic one the reason being that we want to share the driving and I can only drive automatics cos I have a disability. Ha! thin on the ground are them from what I see and to get a new one means waiting till next year (not much chance of that as we are eager to get going) We read possibly every magazine going thus confusing us further any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry to jump straight in and ask for help, I shall now browze around this lovely site. Thank you