Health benefits of cycling (1 Viewer)

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Nov 30, 2023
Weymouth, UK
Funster No
DIY Transit
On first long trip
Just had a schpiel from my Portuguese bank gushing about the mental and physical health benefits of cycling. Photos of tanned pensioners pedalling through Nature. Of course, its a prelude to selling me insurance against cycling accidents -life insurance, funeral expenses, permanent disability payout, extended hospital treatment, fixed amounts for the loss of eyes, limbs, fingers, etc. It could be a Monty Python sketch.
Feb 22, 2011
Newcastle under Lyme
Funster No
Hymer B544 A Class
Since 2015
So long as you know their motives you can dodge their hard sell.

Cycling is definitely worthwhile though, good exercise and fresh air.
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Apr 11, 2015
Funster No
Laika Ecovip 300
since 1988 with breaks until 2009
Yep cycling is great, makes hip and knee arthritis worse, in fact didn't know i had it before. mind you was on an exercise bike during covid not a road bike.
Need to replace my AS electric bike as i have shrunk šŸ¤£ but can't balance on 20" wheels. Oh the joys, love cycling on safe routes, not the main road.
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Feb 18, 2017
Greenwich, London, UK
Funster No
Hymer MLT 570
Just had a schpiel from my Portuguese bank gushing about the mental and physical health benefits of cycling. Photos of tanned pensioners pedalling through Nature. Of course, its a prelude to selling me insurance against cycling accidents -life insurance, funeral expenses, permanent disability payout, extended hospital treatment, fixed amounts for the loss of eyes, limbs, fingers, etc. It could be a Monty Python sketch.
Or if you don't take up their cycling insurance they will increase your premium and cover you for heart attacks, strokes, T2 diabetes, obesity related diseases and shortened life expectancy.
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Nov 4, 2022
Hampshire, UK
Funster No
Since 2005
Agree cycling is good for health. I had a raised PSA that in 91 days with MRI, biopsy and radical prostatectomy got me fit for surgery and I lost 36lbs by cycling on my folding e-bike approx 14 miles each evening.

Now having fat tyre e-bikes and MH with garage to take them, we will be doing more cycling.

e-bikes are a revelation and keep us active as I wind down to retirement next year. No point getting older if you don't get wiser.

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Jul 27, 2013
Wilts/Oxon border
Funster No
Van Conversion
Since childhood!
Agree cycling is good for health. I had a raised PSA that in 91 days with MRI, biopsy and radical prostatectomy got me fit for surgery and I lost 36lbs by cycling on my folding e-bike approx 14 miles each evening.

Now having fat tyre e-bikes and MH with garage to take them, we will be doing more cycling.

e-bikes are a revelation and keep us active as I wind down to retirement next year. No point getting older if you don't get wiser.
Well done!
I have a folding eBike which I take in the van on some trips. It's handy for pottering along enjoying local scenery, and also for nipping to shops. Or just across big sites/fields.

I'm very edgy about cycling on roads nowadays though even though I used to do lots of it. Unfortunately I remember all too well a fatal cycling accident on a road I used to commute along, when one day I drove past the covered body of a cyclist on the opposite side of the road (dual carriageway) and was really shaken up by the scene. There were lots of people standing about and talking and I'm sure it had only just happened. :cry: The collision happened at a junction and according to official reports later on, the car driver was not considered to be at fault and had been very badly traumatised by the incident.

On the same stretch of road a couple of years later I was caught up in the traffic delays after a child was knocked off his bike on the same stretch of road. That time, thanks in part to fast arrival of the air ambulance, the collision wasn't fatal.

I live in a fairly rural area and have had plenty of experience of cars passing close and fast on narrow country lanes when I'm on my bike.

So I'm pretty unlikely to be riding mine 14 miles every evening. Although I do get walking and log time/distance with the aim of improving fitness.
Apr 20, 2022
Brighouse, UK
Funster No
Autoquest 155 2016
Since 2020
We have been doing quite a lot of cycling whilst here in France. Feeling a lot fitter but always end up fresh as a lord as we go from vineyard to vineyard šŸ·

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