Green Bee
Deleted User

Why the Green Bees you may ask, Well at the moment we run a guest house called the Bees Knees Guest House and people who are new to anything are refered to as Green Horns, so we've decided to call ourselves Green Bees! ( mad I know but you have to be a little bit mad to help pass the time of day, dont you?) When we've finished in about 5 years time, we will be giving it all up and buying a motorhome and disappearing off into the big blue yonder for an adventure and as many years of "Living the Life" as we can squeeze in. (We hope!)
It's something that I've dreamt and worked towards doing since I was in my middle teens and since my partner and I got together it has now become a joint reality that we are both working towards.
As with all things, Prior planning, and Preparation prevent a "P--s" Poor performance. and as part of our "P"ing, we are joining forums like this to research our end goal to make it become a reality and not a dream.