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We were gifted an older type Fiamma privacy room which I believe is similar to this ttps://www.leisureoutlet.com/privacy-rooms-and-panels/camper-van-awnings/awnings/7572-fiamma-f45sf45-ti-large-light-privacy-room-300?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvKmE0b7T3QIVRbDtCh1lDwN-EAQYASABEgJSTPD_BwE but a much older version and we thought that it would be ideal for our proposed long winter stay. The problem is for us that it is too heavy to manage. I believe that it is all there, although we've not checked it, so if you can give it a home let me know. Although it's free, a donation to the Help For Heroes charity would be nice, as would a nice bottle of red