We're currently in Turkey and have a permit to stay 12 months.
Our vehicle insurance and mot will need renewing during that period but we don't want to drive back to the UK.
So if we notify the DVLA that we have exported our vehicle then register it here in Turkey what happens when if and when we return to the UK?
It would still be on Turkish plates so we would need to reregister in the UK.
Big question is will any duties and/or taxes be due in the UK?
I've looked online but get lost in a loop between "no taxes due if you are exemp from taxes" but it doesn't explain who is tax exempt.
It isn't a new vehicle.
Our vehicle insurance and mot will need renewing during that period but we don't want to drive back to the UK.
So if we notify the DVLA that we have exported our vehicle then register it here in Turkey what happens when if and when we return to the UK?
It would still be on Turkish plates so we would need to reregister in the UK.
Big question is will any duties and/or taxes be due in the UK?
I've looked online but get lost in a loop between "no taxes due if you are exemp from taxes" but it doesn't explain who is tax exempt.
It isn't a new vehicle.