Hi Funsters,
I purchased a Delta 2 as a back up battery, I dont need to go into why, or it would have been cheaper to go Lithium etc... it just works for me. Here is my findings
I depleted my 2 x 100a/h lead acid to the below SOC, these are brand new and came with the motorhome so I was reluctant to throw them away and start again.
I then plugged in the Delta to the EHU, I am fully aware this is inefficient but this was my first trial run.
I believe the Delta 2 has a 85a/h battery, though they only list is as 1024w/hr. I was expecting around 70a/h with losses to efficiency, but based on this I only achieved around 48 a/hr from the Delta till discharged. 20% increase in SOC though which was why I bought it and if you find a pub or coffee shop with permission from the owner in around an hour im good to charge again.
So to the knowledge base out there, is 48a/h as good as it will get based on losses on the Delta and losses on my on board charger OR is it worth connecting a dedicated battery charger to my lead acids and plugging the Delta into that?
Overall, it kind of does what I wanted, I just hoped it would be more efficient.
I can see I've opened myself up here for a barrage of abuse on why didn't I install Lithium but it keeps the keyboard warriors busy
I purchased a Delta 2 as a back up battery, I dont need to go into why, or it would have been cheaper to go Lithium etc... it just works for me. Here is my findings
I depleted my 2 x 100a/h lead acid to the below SOC, these are brand new and came with the motorhome so I was reluctant to throw them away and start again.
I then plugged in the Delta to the EHU, I am fully aware this is inefficient but this was my first trial run.
I believe the Delta 2 has a 85a/h battery, though they only list is as 1024w/hr. I was expecting around 70a/h with losses to efficiency, but based on this I only achieved around 48 a/hr from the Delta till discharged. 20% increase in SOC though which was why I bought it and if you find a pub or coffee shop with permission from the owner in around an hour im good to charge again.
So to the knowledge base out there, is 48a/h as good as it will get based on losses on the Delta and losses on my on board charger OR is it worth connecting a dedicated battery charger to my lead acids and plugging the Delta into that?
Overall, it kind of does what I wanted, I just hoped it would be more efficient.
I can see I've opened myself up here for a barrage of abuse on why didn't I install Lithium but it keeps the keyboard warriors busy