E&P Levelling Touchscreen (1 Viewer)

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Jun 6, 2010
Funster No
Morelo Empire Liner
36 years and 16 motorhomes
Had an issue yesterday with the E&P Leveling Touchscreen. I raised the jacks as normal, checked they were all up and placed the screen back in its cradle. On driving off it bleeped to alert me the jacks were still down, they were not. After the bleeping the touchscreen was frozen no matter what I did it would not switch off or respond. Did some digging as nothing in the E&P manual. Advice online was to allow the battery on the screen to drain until it switched off then place back in the cradle to charge and it should be okay. I have done exactly that but took 6 hours, thankfully it is back operational. Cannot believe E&P have not put the usual power cycle reset where you stick a pin in to reset on the device, feels like a poor design.
Another thing I learned and main reason for posting as it may be helpful to the group. When the screen is out of the cradle you shall see two small holes. The one on the left is the manual level selector, stick a pin in there and the levelling shall do an automatic level. The hole on the right retracts the levelling rams. You learn something new everyday. May be helpful to others, especially if the screen freezes whilst the rams are deployed. A press of the button in the cradle gets them back up without the touchscreen.
Feb 16, 2020
Funster No
Dethleffs Globetrott
Hi Stewart, we had the same issue - called SAP and they were extremely helpful. It happened a few times thereafter, so SAP contacted E&P who sanctioned a free replacement. We have not had the issue in the 2 years since (touch wood it won't reappear)

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