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Now the sun is shining I've decided to do a couple of jobs on our 10 year old MH. One is to have the alloy wheels refurbished and the other is to fit an air suspension kit. For the wheels, I need to put the MH on axle jack for a few days while the wheels are being refurbished. I consulted the MH handbook (Dethleffs) and its say jack the vehicle up on the axles, not the bodywork (not very helpful). I consulted the Fiat hand book and it shows, none too clearly, jacking points on the chassis, forward of the rear wheels and rearward of the front wheels. I'm going to use 2 tonne trolley jack to lift each corner, replacing with a 3 tonne axle stand as I go. I'm guessing that the axle stands will go on the rear axle (is that right?) but I'm not confident about where the axle stands for the front will go. I've never jacked the MH up so any guidance and best practice appreciated!
While the wheels are off, I thought it would be a good time to fits an air suspension kit. I've got hold of the Dunlop kit installation manual (from marcleleisure.co.uk) - what I don't understand - because it makes no mention of it, is how its wired up, where the pump goes and where to take an electrical feed from (or maybe I should have it fitted by a mechanic).
Many thanks.
While the wheels are off, I thought it would be a good time to fits an air suspension kit. I've got hold of the Dunlop kit installation manual (from marcleleisure.co.uk) - what I don't understand - because it makes no mention of it, is how its wired up, where the pump goes and where to take an electrical feed from (or maybe I should have it fitted by a mechanic).
Many thanks.