I’ve discovered pretty rotten panel in the garage area, behind drivers seat. There was a leak in the roof in that general area (now fixed) - could it have tracked to there? Or where should I look to check for ingress?
Is this a big job to replace/sort? Any advice on best way forward appreciated, or recommendation for someone known/trusted in central Scotland to fix?
Habitation check in July 2021 didn’t show any issues here, but clearly been going on for a while.
Motorhome is a Euromobil Profila on a Transit base.
Is this a big job to replace/sort? Any advice on best way forward appreciated, or recommendation for someone known/trusted in central Scotland to fix?
Habitation check in July 2021 didn’t show any issues here, but clearly been going on for a while.
Motorhome is a Euromobil Profila on a Transit base.