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Following on from the thread surrounding the story of the fox biting the finger of a baby in London, and the call by some to cull the animals, I have to ask - where do you want it to stop? Stoats, weasels, pine marten, birds of prey, domestic dogs? Elsewhere we have so-called civilised countries aiding and abetting the mass slaughter of the planet's iconic creatures: The rhino, the tiger, elephants just for starters. I cannot always blame the people who kill them. They are frequently impoverished people earning a relative pittance in the multi-million dollar trade in ivory, tiger skins, along with the medicinal benefits of tiger penises and the rest to satisfy demand from China and Japan. For their wholesale slaughter I openly LOATHE these two so-called civilised nations for their wholesale slaughter of our wildlife. Rant over! It would be a sad empty world without our wildlife .....and that includes the fox!