I noticed last month that my leisure battery needed replacing. I was installed by the converter when the van was new in 2017, so it is seven years old now.
It is a big one. A Banner 968 01. It has a capacity of 230Ah and weighs 55Kg. To replace it from Tayna would be £413.
All of our camping to date has been on hook up. We only use the battery when out and about and as a day van, so I don't believe we need such a large battery.
I contacted the installer and they said the no longer install Banner batteries but either Varta or Exide of a similar capacity. These I believe are AGM batteries and are also expensive.
I am doing this for the first time and I don't want to get it wrong. The EC328 power control system tells me that it is compatible with some AGM batteries but is configured to work with Lead acid batteries.
The Tayna website gives two options that look favourite for a lower capacity battery. The Varta LED 190 which is described as an EFB battery with a capacity of 190Ah at £255 or the Varta LFD 140 which is described as a Wet battery with a capacity of 140Ah at £197.
Is EFB the same as Wet? and which would be the better option? Thanks
It is a big one. A Banner 968 01. It has a capacity of 230Ah and weighs 55Kg. To replace it from Tayna would be £413.
All of our camping to date has been on hook up. We only use the battery when out and about and as a day van, so I don't believe we need such a large battery.
I contacted the installer and they said the no longer install Banner batteries but either Varta or Exide of a similar capacity. These I believe are AGM batteries and are also expensive.
I am doing this for the first time and I don't want to get it wrong. The EC328 power control system tells me that it is compatible with some AGM batteries but is configured to work with Lead acid batteries.
The Tayna website gives two options that look favourite for a lower capacity battery. The Varta LED 190 which is described as an EFB battery with a capacity of 190Ah at £255 or the Varta LFD 140 which is described as a Wet battery with a capacity of 140Ah at £197.
Is EFB the same as Wet? and which would be the better option? Thanks