Looking for some help with the bonnet release cable for a 2002 B544 (Fiat, square headlights, not round). It's becoming hard to release the bonnet and I'm worried the cable might break at some point. There's some suggestion from other posts/forums that this cable should be the original Ducato one, but from the photo below this is clearly not the case - I'm thinking my cable has been "fixed" at some point in the past with the wrong cable, which has just been threaded through a convenient hole and crimped together. What should this cable and release mechanism actually look like? Can someone send post a pic of theirs? Any advice on which cable I need and where to get it? Many thanks!
Also, I'm interested to know why some B544s of this era seem to have square headlights and some round - if I do a google image search for Hymer B544 2002, almost all of them have round headlights. My V5 says first registered in 2002, so I don't think that's wrong. Was there just the option of either design? The van does say "Classic" on the front - is that the difference? The small plate on the side of the van also says "BC544", rather than just "B544"... Feel like I'm missing something!

Also, I'm interested to know why some B544s of this era seem to have square headlights and some round - if I do a google image search for Hymer B544 2002, almost all of them have round headlights. My V5 says first registered in 2002, so I don't think that's wrong. Was there just the option of either design? The van does say "Classic" on the front - is that the difference? The small plate on the side of the van also says "BC544", rather than just "B544"... Feel like I'm missing something!