I have the ACSI card and App subscription which was automatically collected in December, I received the 2022 books & card before Christmas.
I use the App on my phone and iPad and updated the maps on the iPad last week, for a second time this year, and I noticed after doing that some of the campsites I am familiar with we’re not longer showing so emailed ACSI if there was a problem with the new App maps as the version on the phone, updated in early January so should show current sites, is still showing them. No reply as yet.
Then 2 days ago I tried to open the App on the iPad and it wouldn’t open but a pop up message appeared, photo below, suggesting I had not paid. I checked the phone and it works fine, but I hadn’t updated the most recent maps. My account shows my subscription is valid until the end of 2022. Email again but no reply as yet.
Anyone else got similar problems? I don’t want to remove the App & download it all again just yet until I hear from them
I use the App on my phone and iPad and updated the maps on the iPad last week, for a second time this year, and I noticed after doing that some of the campsites I am familiar with we’re not longer showing so emailed ACSI if there was a problem with the new App maps as the version on the phone, updated in early January so should show current sites, is still showing them. No reply as yet.
Then 2 days ago I tried to open the App on the iPad and it wouldn’t open but a pop up message appeared, photo below, suggesting I had not paid. I checked the phone and it works fine, but I hadn’t updated the most recent maps. My account shows my subscription is valid until the end of 2022. Email again but no reply as yet.
Anyone else got similar problems? I don’t want to remove the App & download it all again just yet until I hear from them