While away for the winter I noticed that a couple of LED lights would flicker occasionally. I've just been in the motorhome and now all LEDs are flickering, some noticeably more than others.
I bought the van secondhand, but as far as I know, the batteries haven't been changed from new in December 2018.
The habitation batteries' reading on the display is 13.8 (there's only one value displayed for the joint batteries).
Is the likely fix going to be replacement battery(ies)? And if I'm going to change one, should I change them both? Or should I check something else before rushing off to buy batteries?.
I bought the van secondhand, but as far as I know, the batteries haven't been changed from new in December 2018.
The habitation batteries' reading on the display is 13.8 (there's only one value displayed for the joint batteries).
Is the likely fix going to be replacement battery(ies)? And if I'm going to change one, should I change them both? Or should I check something else before rushing off to buy batteries?.