2020 Adria compact LED outside light sometimes would not turn on and other times just went out.
I thought it was the light so replaced it with an identical one and unfortunately the new one behaves the same !
When turned on by the Berker momentary switch the indicator panel shows the light on even when it's not.
I traced the wire back to the Nordelettronica NE350 and it's the output from that which is intermittent, if I disconnect the wire from the unit and apply 12v the light comes on.
I guess as it's controlled by a momentary switch there must be some sort of solid state relay in the NE350, anyone have any idea how to fix it before I rewire with a new power supply and an old fashioned switch ?
I thought it was the light so replaced it with an identical one and unfortunately the new one behaves the same !
When turned on by the Berker momentary switch the indicator panel shows the light on even when it's not.
I traced the wire back to the Nordelettronica NE350 and it's the output from that which is intermittent, if I disconnect the wire from the unit and apply 12v the light comes on.
I guess as it's controlled by a momentary switch there must be some sort of solid state relay in the NE350, anyone have any idea how to fix it before I rewire with a new power supply and an old fashioned switch ?