Been a subscriber to ACSI card since it was introduced but have noticed gradual increases in nightly rates over the years. Fair enough the pound to euro rate doesn't help us Brits but another factor that makes it not as good as it was is the increasing tendency for sites to add 'tourist taxes'. In the first 3 years of using the card I only paid tourist tax on one site. Having just returned from a tour of France, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Italy we were being charged tourist taxes on virtually every site. Most sites were charging us an additional 3 euros tourist tax on a 19 euro nightly charge. One site did this and even expected us to pay for showers (doesn't ACSI rates include a shower each?) The strange thing in Germany was that we were charged 3 euros tourist tax but when we stayed on a Stellplatz close to an ACSI site the tourist tax was only 0.5 euros? I will probably continue to use ACSI card but would welcome an alternative scheme to be introduced to give ACSI a bit of competition.