Many people don't realise, that when a solar panel has even a small shadow across it, such as from an overhead wire or even a resting fallen leaf, the output plumets. Even if just a tiny corner is shadowed, putting 5% in the shade, the output might drop 80%. So installing a panel that uses up every bit of your roof space might perform worse than a smaller panel if it gets shaded by your TV aerial.
So this product is interesting:
I'm guessing there's just additional diodes in there? Or maybe active switching. But regardless, to maintain such a high output when it's partially shadowed would be very useful for motorhomes.
Are there other similar products about?
So this product is interesting:
I'm guessing there's just additional diodes in there? Or maybe active switching. But regardless, to maintain such a high output when it's partially shadowed would be very useful for motorhomes.
Are there other similar products about?