
MotorhomeFun Dealers List v5f

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Version 3 of the Dealers list now uploaded to Resources.

It contains in excess of 400 UK dealers (with a smattering of Ireland) however it should not be seen as a definitive listing as there will be some missing. If you know of any please advise and I'll add them. Please also advise of any errors and I'll correct them.

As you will see there's considerable more information included which has made the page quite wide so you may have to "zoom in" to comfortably read it.

Whilst every care has been taken please check prior to setting off to visit particularly location \ postcode \ co-ordinates.

There's also links to Reviews section of the site which could be worth a read.
Latest version (2a) uploaded.
Version 2 of this file uploaded 9th Oct, 2020.
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