
Ducato Dashboard Nik Nak Table V1

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Print 2 of each item. Assemble the 2 shelf trims and the 2 joining clips and glue together with superglue. Once dry, lay the assembled frame upright over a sheet of 3mm ally and mark out the sheet size using the frame as a template. Cut the ally sheet and bond to the underside of the frame with a hot glue gun. You can prepare the ally sheet with any surface finish you desire. I used those grippy rubber sheets cut to size. Lay the 2 Shelf Bracket Rails onto the grooves on the top of the dash either side of the popup clipboard. Lay the shelf onto the 2 Shelf Bracket Rails as a fitting test. Once happy, lift the table off and squeeze sikaflex onto the top of the 2 rails. Lay the table back on the rails and allow to dry for 24hrs. Tip. Sand both surfaces before glueing with sikaflex.
Now for the strap to hold the table in place. Cut a sheet of 3mm ally to 80x230mm. With the table removed, place the sheet into the delivery clip. Gently bend the sheet up in a cranked shape so that it lays parallel to the underside of the table. Once happy that the sheet will lay in close contact to the underside of the table, smear sikaflex on the sheet. Lay the table over the top squeezing together with your fingers from below. and then put something around 1kg on top to hold it down firmly. Leave for 24hrs. Job done. You can now remove the table by releasing the dog clip at the back. If the table is not pulled down enough, you can now re bend the sheet underneath a little to allow it to pull the table down more firmly. EXTRA TIP. Be careful with the sikaflex, its messy stuff. I have not included the phone pods on the sides as they are specific to the phone holders that I have. Also the phone pods are screwed down into the dashboard, which I think most people will not want to do. If you want them though, just message me and I will add them.
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